Friday, July 10, 2009

Orchestrated Destruction

So I'm not underwater yet, mind you ,
but they're determined to drown me.
Don't ask how I'm paying the mortgage and equity loans without a job.
And please don't ask how we managed to pay off both cars.

And now, the Economy ...
I think its all choreographed and engineered to crush us - for whatever reason
I can't wait to be gassed at the new FEMA facility, can you ?
It's Hitler on steroids my friends.
"Lets get ready to March into Marxismmmmm"

Have you seen the speed and force the pirates running the ship here in Umerica are using?
It got the attention of the rest of the world by now I think.
Say good bye to the dollar ... Say goodbye to Umerica!
and Sing it with me because you know I'm right ...
" China wants its money back - dooo dah, dooo dah
China wants its money back and throw our bucks away"

( Don't you just LOVE when I burst into song )

It's so damn hard not to hate people for what they've done to me without provocation.
I never screwed with anyone as badly as I've been screwed by others. EVER .
And I'm not keeping score, Because I am THE loser.
Not the biggest, or the best, but hard to beat.
Why do I keep making a gallant effort to try to do the right thing?

I can wait to be judged ! ( There was a LOT of porn !)
Then I'll be able to see the why and the how I destroyed my life and find out the real truth
and then go directly to hell - do not pass Heaven - do not collect $200

And the lawless ... can we just shoot them ?
I will no longer hesitate to resist the temptation to hit someone in my car.
It's the least I can do. They deserve it. I'm a giver
Oh my car, It's paid for, BTW. Proud of me whoever you are that created me ?

I don't really wanna live anymore again.
But suicide isn't really a viable option when you want to know what happens after the end

as the credits roll

Starring - Nobody Special, as himself.
Yes, he REALLY should NOT have been here - but I think it was a choice !
A Pro choice ...
or an amateur one.
( Yes that's it, the second one )

So as I watch the credits roll, and my country be destroyed,
I have to think up another good reason to stick around.
Until next month, faithful reader
( if I'm still here )